
two publications
Two new reports of the LUCEA projects have been published in December 2017: an article about phonetic convergence in /s/ sounds in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, and a chapter about the dissemination of the recordings and metadata in the book Clarin in the Low Countries. Both publications are co-authored by Rosemary…
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In memoriam Rosemary Orr
With great sadness we heard that Rosemary Orr, principal researcher in the UCU accents projects, passed away on Tuesday, 15 Nov 2016, from the consequences of cancer. Rosemary has been a primary force in the entire project, from its conception (in September 2009) up to our last exchanges just a week ago. Her great enthusiasm…
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Thank you facilitators
Many facilitators (a.k.a. interviewers) have assisted by conducting and recording interviews, plus arranging safe backups of the recordings. We thank all facilitators for their diligent and enthusiast assistance, which has been essential to the corpus project. Facilitators 2010-2016 were:
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New categories in metadata
An important part of this research project is the distribution of the corpus, including metadata from the questionnaires and audiometry. Metadata describe the properties of each recording, e.g. the speakers’ (anonymous) identifiers, the speakers’ language backgrounds and hearing details, the speakers’ self-assessed properties, technical details of the recording, etc.
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More than 1095 recording sessions
Recordings for the Longitudinal Corpus of UCU English Accents have been completed in the spring of 2016. Between Sept 2010 and June 2016, we have conducted a total number of 1095 interview sessions with regular UCU students.
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video over D-LUCEA project
https://vimeo.com/164692436 Met dank aan CLARIN-NL en Dyzlo Films!
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Corpus available online
Major parts of the UCU English Accents (D-LUCEA) corpus are accessible online! Details are on the Corpus page. We’re working hard to add the remaining parts of the corpus ASAP.
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De Kennis van Nu: Engels op z’n Utrechts
In de uitzending van De Kennis van Nu op 28 januari [2016] zien we hoe Rosemary Orr, een van de betrokken wetenschappers bij Sprekend Nederland, onderzoek doet naar het accent op de campus van University College Utrecht. http://www.dekennisvannu.nl/site/special/Sprekend-Nederland/17#!/artikel/Engels-op-zn-Utrechts/7878
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Drongo Festival
Our presentation about English as a lingua franca at the Drongo Festival (Utrecht, 25 Sept 2015) attracted many visitors, who participated in a brief AB discrimination experiment using a few sentences from our corpus. The presentation and speech files are available at this website. The Clarin-NL website has a longer blog post (in Dutch).
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